Dr. Bukky Olalemi-Toth, DPM, recently had the opportunity to attend the UCSF Health Education and Leadership Conference. This event brings together healthcare professionals from various fields to share knowledge on different health and wellness topics. Dr. Olalemi was happy to represent our practice and contribute her expertise to the conference on podiatric care, wound care, and lead a workshop helping future podiatrists master the art of suturing.
Hands-on foot wrapping
One of the skills Dr. Olalemi demonstrated was a guide on foot wrapping. Foot wrapping is a crucial technique for providing support and protection to injured or compromised feet. With her experience, Dr. Olalemi guided the students through the entire process and answered questions about specific challenges they might encounter in their practice.
Dr. Olalemi also shared insights into common foot and ankle conditions, treatments, and the importance of preventative care.
One of which was teaching students how to suture wounds. Dr. Olalemi provided step-by-step instructions, demonstrating the proper technique and emphasizing the importance of precision.
Dr. Olalemi’s participation in the UCSF Health Education and Leadership Conference was a success. Her contributions to the event showed the expertise and dedication of our practice. We are proud of her accomplishments and look forward to her continued involvement in the healthcare community.