Physical Therapy For Foot & Ankle Pain
Foot & Ankle Pain can impact your daily life making walking and standing a challenge. Medication is often used to reduce pain relief, but it is not a long-term solution for managing foot pain. Physical therapy can assess the root of your pain and create a treatment plan that best suits your situation.
Our physical therapist Dean Makredes, DPT, uses various techniques to improve flexibility and restore range of motion.
- Manual Therapy
- Strengthening Exercises
- Balance & Gait Training
- Total joint rehabilitation programs
- Manual Therapy
- Spinal stabilization & core strengthening program
- Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo rehabilitation
Physical Therapy For Foot & Ankle Pain
Foot & Ankle Pain can impact your daily life making walking and standing a challenge. Medication is often used to reduce pain relief, but it is not a long-term solution for managing foot pain. Physical therapy can assess the root of your pain and create a treatment plan that best suits your situation.